73% Win Rate TRAP For White Against The French Defense

Even players rated above 2000 ELO fell for this trap in the Schlechter Variation of the French Defense!

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  1. When knight moved to G6, best move is to move pawn G7. OR move the pawn C5 to C4 outing pressure on Bishop to move. This way bishop's only move would be G7 and lock it inside by moving pawn G6-G7.

  2. On move six, it's preferably for Black to develop the dark-square bishop to e7 rather than playing h6. Now if 7. Nxh7, Black can play c4, putting pressure on White's position.

  3. Last few traps are Ng5 based played by Ding Liren as well against Nepo in 2023 championship so will revisit that game once again as Nepo defended that well ❤.

  4. Why can't they move their king away because of the skewer? They can't move Kf7 because of the skewer, they can't move Ke8 because of checkmate!

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