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What when bill's time is running Magnus suddenly stops thinking?.. 62 seconds
Why don't he move his rook and prevent check mate
John pork is calling
Cristen Ronaldo, Sewy
“Can I get free shipping or prime at least”
Didn’t know lizards played chess
Instead of capturing with the night at the end white should have moved the queen or something else because it wouldnt have been checkmate cuz the night could have taken it
He knocked over the pawn, why is that so hilarious 😭
he couldve let the knight there and trade knights + gets an extra queen?
What about Re1?
Just wait till Magnus has a microchip in his head. Then it'll be a whole other story
bro did him dirty
Bro d4-ed so hard he knocked out the pawn
"12 seconds" the game lasted 30 seconds lmao
If you move your rook to e1 it wouldn’t be checkmate
Bro can buy all chess player in one second
I would last 2 seconds💀
For white,rook f1 saves this
It’s not check mate because if the night goes in front of the queen you can the sac your queen for blacks night
Rook to e1?
Happy april fools day
Maybe bill's bank balance will help to recover from this
Royal fork and mate brooo
I din in 4 sec with Scholars mate
Couldn’t he have just not moved the night so it protects h2
No castle .not aloowed
Bill only lasted 12 second with magnus 💀
If bill played Re1 he would've been saved
Re1 lmao
Bro you still could have put the night in front of the queen and that would have saved bill gates
Rook to F1
There was one way out he could’ve moved the rock to the left and escaped
Technically it s 1 minute and 2 seconds because of the time of magnus and of bill gates
Bill could have moved the rook, no?
To have a square to escape in.
There was a way for it not to be checkmate if the night on c6 stayed there to protect from mate, but magnus could have taken it in one move
Bill just stupid.
Bill gates actually blundered mate because the knight was protecting the h2 square
Bill gates blunders the game by starting the games..☠️
i5 horsey sac,then queen takes white horse,white queen takes black horse then,black queen takes white queen and boom:)
Lol this isn't a puzzle
He can take the queen with the knight
Magnis should try playing 4d chess with Bill.
Cos kill bill is a moron……i would at least last a minute
Bill can buy him in 12 seconds
bro thsi game magnus played teribly he had 75 percent accuracy
You gotta sac the queen
Magnus to Bill: I can beat you in chess in 12 seconds
Bill to Magnus: I can hack your computer in 12 seconds
Why couldnt bill put his rook to e1 so the king had an escape square?
that reminds me that my old speech teachers like uncle or dad used to play chess with bill gates